“Women are very good at believing in their delusions, which is also why they are very good liars...”—@TellYourSonThis

Women are very good at believing in their delusions, which is also why they are very good liars and can sound very earnest when lying. They think the lie is the truth, so they protest as if it is when it isn't. This is normal in women. But in men, it's sociopathically abnormal.







 The Looking Glass Cookbook Analysis:

 1. Generalization (Hasty Generalization)

Definition: Jumping to conclusions based on insufficient evidence or a small sample size.  

Example: Suggesting that 'this is normal in women' after referring to a few women's behaviors implies that all women share this trait.  

2. Stereotyping  
Definition: Assigning specific traits to an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals.  
Example: The statement implies that all women are 'very good liars' based on the perceived behavior of some women.  

3. Confirmation Bias  
Definition: The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms one's existing beliefs or hypotheses.
Example: The claim that women 'think the lie is the truth' reflects an underlying bias that seeks situations where women exhibit deceitful behavior, while ignoring contrary evidence.  

4. Misattribution
Definition: Incorrectly attributing a behavior or belief to a group rather than considering individual circumstances.
Example: Stating that women's capacity for delusion is a normal behavior, which simplifies complex psychological phenomena.  

5. Ad Hominem Fallacy
Definition: Attacking an individual’s character instead of the argument they are making.
Example: The statement implicitly attacks women’s character by labeling them as 'liars' and suggesting that such behavior is inherent to their nature.  

6. False Dichotomy
Definition: Presenting two opposing options as the only possibilities when, in fact, more alternatives exist.
Example: The suggestion that women's behavior is 'normal' while men's is 'sociopathically abnormal' creates a simplistic binary division between the sexes.  

7. Overgeneralization (Cognitive Distortion)
Definition: Applying a general rule based on a specific instance or situation.
Example: Concluding that because some women may lie or deceive, all women possess these traits.  

8. Labeling and Mislabeling
Definition: Assigning a label to someone based on an action or a behavior that has negative connotations.
Example: Referring to women as inherently 'delusional' and 'liars' mislabels them based on perceived negative behavior.  

9. Appeal to Nature Fallacy
Definition: Arguing that something is good, justified, or valid because it is 'natural.'
Example: The statement promotes the idea that women’s lying is 'normal,' implying that it is acceptable because it is deemed a natural behavior.  

10. Double Standards
Definition: Applying different sets of principles for similar situations, often based on gender, race, or other characteristics.
Example: The claim that lying in women is normal while declaring men’s lying as 'sociopathically abnormal' represents a double standard based on gender.