Legal Public Notice Under Extreme Duress About My Loverboy Method Trafficker & Sextortionist — Newmarket, Ontario, Canada & Washington D.C, United States

Digital Cease and Desist: (for Matthew Steven and his ‘network’ of abusers who insist on continued intimidation, tortious interference, and retaliation with misrepresented "evidence" against his sextortion, trafficking, and exploitation victim).

This legal digital notice in “self-defense” statement, made under duress, addresses very serious matters of public safety and interest regarding years of crimes against me and family. It responds to nearly 9-years of cyberstalking (and concealing continued cyberstalking through proxy services, even after a warning from law enforcement), sextortion, blackmail, hacking, illegal surveillance through hacked devices, intimidation, cybersmearing, extreme psychological abuse, and a sex trafficking scheme, involving MATTHEW STEVEN, a native of Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, who is currently located in Washington, D.C. (and/or within the Deloitte network of employment).

I did NOT cheat with this man, and since he and his "friends" are so insistent on spreading fraudulent lies to my loved ones and clients, we’re going to let people learn what all this really was, according to professionals, and reveal what they hid while telling the public these defamatory lies over the course of nine years of horrific psychological torture. Their retaliatory "trolling" has proven to be nothing more than intimidation intended to keep me afraid and silent. It shows a blatant and reckless disregard for the truth, with a clearly malicious intent that directly resulted in the destruction of my multiple award-winning career and reputation multiple times, totaling approximately $1-million in damages, with him and his "friends" behind every instance.

Due to the continued cyberstalking, fraudulent tortious interference, and sabotage of multiple income-generating accounts that assist us in proving our long list of legal claims currently with law enforcement in numerous jurisdictions across two countries, particularly because of the blatantly false reasons used in their reports—though this is not surprising given the sheer scale of this fraud—it can only be recognized as a pathetic attempt to intimidate me, his victim. Therefore, this notice will remain up. He is fully capable of hiring a lawyer to send us a cease and desist; however, he knows he can't because we are within our rights, and this falls under non-defamatory “freedom of speech.” Evidence supporting the claims, which can be shared publicly, is available for free at (not all can be shown).

He admitted to invading my family’s privacy in 2015 by sharing my personal information, location range, intimate images, and data with his “friends,” as he called them—who have proven to be extremely dangerous and incredibly destructive with this information, yet he's a coward and protects them to protect himself—and has done so up until recently in 2024. We have credible reasons to fear for our lives legitimately. There was a familial violent homicide only five days after a credible threat from his “friend” in 2021, which continued into 2022 with targeted cyberstalking, public and private cybersmearing with misrepresented and edited evidence, and continued tortious interference and sabotage of income sources afterward into late 2024. It literally doesn't stop.

This is all particularly concerning due to the fact that my income sources were being sabotaged for nearly a year after a threat made by one of his "friend" in November 2023, after they contacted a honeypot account that was groomed, covertly threatened, and named to Kiwi Farms, according to them afterward. This individual indicated that I should basically let all this go, and if I didn't, and they "find my dox," not only would I "have no peace," but they would also "disrupt the investigation." This mentally deranged abuse has literally not ended in nine years, and we're disgusted by it.

They have fabricated and/or heavily edited an incredible amount of evidence for intimidation, public and private humiliation, and stochastic terrorism, which appears to be part of a large network of victim and witness proxy abusers that I simply cannot reasonably escape without law enforcement assistance. His actions toward me, despite knowing about my autism, and my family, alongside those of his so-called "friends" in the same hate and sex cult groups of which he was affiliated, have not only included a very long list of false claims he and his "friends" have made against me—both public and private—to friends, family, and clients—such as falsely reporting my statements as "non-consensual porn," which they are not and never were; I have never done that to anyone—but are clearly more attempts to create more evidence to misrepresent and edit, per their normal methods. This is obvious retaliation and intimidation.

I was never with this man in a romantic capacity, at his insistence. I harbor no hard feelings for this, despite very bizarre rumors, but it also means that I do not have to stay either, especially given the sextortion and blackmail we know for a fact came from him and his friends every single time. My staying has been a direct result of the blackmail, sextortion, intimidation, and both public and private misrepresentation of "evidence" shown to hundreds of thousands of others by him and his "friends."

My decision to speak out stems from the list of crimes committed against my family on his behalf, not due to the non-relationship. These crimes directly mention him and/or my alleged relationship with him and are not related to any personal grievance over not being "chosen." This is not a jealousy issue; it is a matter of calling out what has been done to us, providing some of the evidence we are prepared to share online while keeping some hidden to protect case integrity.

We have sufficient evidence to accuse Matthew Steven and his "friends," but we will not engage in frivolous lawsuits seeking damages he will never pay. We've been informed this is a typical intimidation tactic used by cults, of which he was/is a member (namely within the Manosphere). I would much rather speak out, disclose the parts they have been concealing regarding their false light defects, and publicly air my grievances with their sextortion and trafficking scheme for public safety.

Each of their attempts has unraveled, exposing the substantial parts they intentionally hide and remove in their fraudulent abuse. It reveals that these actions are meant to be retaliatory and intimidating smear campaigns. We will continue to expose this low-life individual who traffics and abuses autistic, disabled women like myself and his network in reasonable self-defense.

Statement Last Updated: 10/11/2024

*Reader discretion is advised. In accordance with the laws surrounding victims who choose to share their stories publicly in Canada and the United States, all claims are considered “alleged.” However, relevant context and evidence that can be shared publicly are presented to assist others in forming their own conclusions about the reality of the story and these horrific, years-long abuses. This old archive and the new sites share a true story based on real events, categorized by the dates they occurred as accurately as possible. Unlike others, I have no interest in creating drama to psychologically and emotionally torture people or destroy their lives for years on end simply to see how many laws I can get away with breaking. To me, this represents a level of insanity and derangement that needs to be exposed. This story covers highly traumatic topics such as cyberstalking, gangstalking, loverboy method grooming, blackmail and sextortion, sex trafficking, exploitation, and severe, long-term mental abuse primarily for coercion, intimidation, and retaliation for speaking out. It also addresses routine public and private defamation with cherry-picked, tightly cropped, and edited evidence (often referred to as fraud and misrepresentation), and sexual violence. This content may trigger strong emotions and flashbacks in those with similar trauma; please prioritize your well-being before proceeding. Some details have been altered for privacy, clarity, and brevity, but the essential context remains intact.