Powerful Men And Societal Sexual Assault

There is a litany of crime and sexual assault charges that follow many rich and famous men. Trump was called on it decades ago, and recently “Puff Didddy” Combs has been arrested on dozens of charges.

We all know about the #MeToo movement, Weinstein, Cosby, R. Kelly, and so many many more. But we seldom hear about the most common assaults of all — those among non celebrities.

Here is a story about Russell Brand from a year ago. What happened to this news? I have no idea. Ancient news, forgotten story. And victims.

There is tons of outrage for famous men. (Or, against famous men.) But I think this is most likely due to a projection — as one psychological protection for those we know — but also a denial. And also, a quirk of how we use words (or don’t) because language is social and sex is social, and the darker parts lay hidden.

Either way, it’s ephemeral. For the story, that is. Not for her.
Did she put up a fight?

Most women who are abused, raped, drugged, harassed, or just “commonly” assaulted never tell. I know I never reported date rapes. There was just so much potential fallout, not the least of which was, “He might not like me anymore.”

This sounds like a very stupid and naive girl talking. And, of course, it was. Like all girls, I was socialized to be pleasant and non-confrontational. To this day, none of the sexual predators I endured would ever guess they were predators. Our culture taught them it’s just “seduction.”