Donald Trump Las Vegas, Nevada, Speech Analysis (1 of ? in progress...)

1. Confirmation Bias  
Definition: The tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's pre-existing beliefs.  
Example: The speaker repeatedly emphasizes Kamala Harris's perceived failures and radical agenda while only highlighting their own successes, selectively interpreting events (e.g., "we had a monumental victory").  

2. Ad Hominem Fallacy  
Definition: Attacking the character or traits of the person making an argument rather than engaging with the argument itself.  
Example: Referring to Kamala Harris as "Comrade Kamala" and "Sleepy Joe Biden" instead of addressing their policies or statements directly.  

3. Strawman Fallacy  
Definition: Misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack.  
Example: Claiming that "she has no plans, no policies, and no solutions whatsoever," which simplifies and distorts her actual proposals.  

4. False Dilemma (Either/Or Fallacy)  
Definition: Presenting two opposing options as the only possibilities, when in fact there are more options available.  
Example: Implying that the only choices for voters are to support the speaker or to allow the country to be "destroyed."  

5. Bandwagon Fallacy  
Definition: Arguing that a claim is true because the majority of people believe it or because it is popular.  
Example: "Every poll had us up like 90, 92, 87," suggesting that the popularity of his position validates its truth.  

6. Appeal to Fear  
Definition: Using fear to influence the audience's decision or beliefs.  
Example: Statements about "our country being destroyed" and "Venezuelan gangs taking over," which evoke fear rather than rational discussion of policies.  

7. Slippery Slope Fallacy  
Definition: Suggesting that a relatively small first step will inevitably lead to a chain of related events culminating in a significant impact.  
Example: Claiming that Kamala Harris's policies will lead to significant negative outcomes, like "taking away your guns" or "open borders."  

8. Misleading Vividness  
Definition: Relying on strong, vivid anecdotes to sway the audience, even when they may not be representative.  
Example: The anecdote of "young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens" is used to evoke a powerful emotion based on a possibly extreme narrative.  

9. Appeals to Authority  
Definition: Relying on the opinion of a perceived authority figure instead of presenting solid evidence.  
Example: Claiming polls indicate he's ahead without providing evidence of their credibility, implying that because he is popular, he is correct.  

10. Guilt by Association  
Definition: Discrediting an argument or person by associating them with an undesirable group or person.  
Example: Associating Kamala Harris with "the radical left" and "crazy Bernie Sanders," suggesting that her policies are equally extreme simply because of her association.  

11. Hasty Generalization  
Definition: Making a general rule based on a few specific cases.  
Example: Claiming, "21 million people that came into our country" as invaders, categorizing all immigrants in a negative light based on specific instances.  

12. Gaslighting  
Definition: Manipulating someone into questioning their own reality or perceptions.  
Example: The term "gaslight" is used directly to accuse Harris of trying to manipulate public perception regarding her past, suggesting she is dishonest in her statements.  

13. Circular Reasoning (Begging the Question)  
Definition: When the conclusion of an argument is assumed in the phrasing of the question itself.  
Example: "She’s a threat to democracy, right?" implies a conclusion (that she is a threat) is already accepted when it hasn't been proven.  

14. Burden of Proof Fallacy  
Definition: Placing the burden of proof on the wrong side, suggesting the alternative must be proven false rather than the original claim being proven true.  
Example: Sufficiently asserting Harris "is not well" without providing evidence, shifting the onus onto her to disprove his claim.  

15. Availability Heuristic  
Definition: Tendency to rely on immediate examples that come to mind when evaluating a specific topic or decision.  
Example: The speaker uses vivid examples of crime related to immigrants to make a sweeping claim about all immigrants, which can skew perception based on impactful but not necessarily representative incidences.  

16. Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy  
Definition: Using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence.  
Example: The references to specific incidents involving immigrants committing crimes serve as anecdotal evidence rather than relying on broader statistical data.  

17. Red Herring Fallacy  
Definition: Introducing an irrelevant topic to divert attention from the original issue.  
Example: Bringing up Kamala Harris's interview performance to distract from more pressing policy discussions or criticisms of his own record.  

18. Cherry-Picking  
Definition: Selectively presenting evidence to support a conclusion while ignoring evidence that may contradict it.  
Example: Presenting only favorable poll results without acknowledging any negative or less favorable polls regarding his own popularity or policies.  

19. False Cause Fallacy (Post Hoc)  
Definition: Assuming that because one event occurred after another, it must have occurred as a result of it.  
Example: Implying that because there are immigrants, and crime has increased, then immigrants must be the cause of that crime without substantive evidence.  

20. Appeal to Tradition  
Definition: Argue that something is correct or better simply because it is older, or has been traditionally accepted.  
Example: Referring to the desire to "make America great again" implies that there is a singular, traditional state of America that was better, without defining what "great" means.  

21. False Attribution  
Definition: Misquoting or incorrectly attributing statements or opinions to an authority or expert.  
Example: Stating that polls are accurate based on unspecified persons’ claims about polling methodologies without presenting actual evidence from credible sources.  

22. Emotional Appeal (Pathos)  
Definition: Persuading by appealing to emotions rather than logic or reason.  
Example: The statement evokes strong feelings of anger and fear when discussing issues like crime and inflation, which are designed to mobilize emotional responses from the audience.  

23. Overgeneralization  
Definition: Making broad conclusions based on too few examples.  
Example: Generalizing all immigrants as "savage criminal aliens" disregards the individuality and lawful status of many immigrants.  

24. Trivialization  
Definition: Dismissing an important issue as trivial or unworthy of serious consideration.  
Example: Minimizing the significance of Kamala Harris's policy positions by focusing on her interview performance and personal attacks instead of the substance of her policies.  

25. False Balance  
Definition: Presenting two sides of an argument as equally valid when they are not.  
Example: Treating Harris's policies and criticisms of Trump’s policies as though they hold equal weight, despite significant differences in evidence and public reception.  

26. Appeal to Ridicule  
Definition: Discrediting an argument by mocking it or making it seem ridiculous.  
Example: The phrase "big word salad" implies that Harris's communication is nonsensical without engaging with the actual content of what she said.  

27. Sunk Cost Fallacy  
Definition: Continuing a behavior or endeavor as a result of previously invested resources (time, money, or effort).  
Example: Implicitly arguing that because he has put so much effort into criticizing Harris, he should continue that line of argument, despite lacking evidence.  

28. No True Scotsman Fallacy  
Definition: Arguing that no true member of a group would do something, thus excluding counterexamples.  
Example: The implication that a true American patriot would support the speaker uncritically while disavowing those who do not as unpatriotic.  

29. Hyperbole  
Definition: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.  
Example: Statements like "our country is being destroyed" exaggerate the situation in order to provoke a strong emotional reaction.  

30. In-group Bias  
Definition: Favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members.  
Example: Describing supporters as "proud, hardworking American patriots" while portraying opponents negatively.

Text Analyzed (Transcript and Photo by the New York Times):

Thank you very much, everybody. Hello, Las Vegas. Hello, Las Vegas. I’m thrilled to be back in this incredible state with thousands of proud, hardworking American patriots, which is what you are. As you all saw three months ago, we had a monumental victory. We had a beautiful victory three months ago. And then, a couple of nights ago, we had an even better victory. We took her on, Comrade Kamala Harris. We took her on and we did really well. Every poll had us up like 90, 92, 87. We had a, uh – we actually had one, 92 to 6, which sounds about right because now today, Rasmussen just came up, and we were six points up. So, it’s pretty good. Pretty good. We dismantled her terrible record, we exposed her radical liberal agenda, and we laid out our plans to quite simply make America great again. Meanwhile, Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade, showed up, spewing lies and meaningless platitudes with no plans, no policies and no solutions whatsoever. She doesn’t have a clue. The only thing she had was a lot of people trying to push her over the line. It’s not happening. We’re not going to let this country be destroyed. It’s already in deep trouble. She offered American voters nothing but falsehoods and hoaxes while our country is being destroyed. Our country is being destroyed, do we know that? Not going to be for long. Honestly, November — November 5th, is going to be the most important day in the history of our country, I really believe it. And today, she had a terrible interview. Did you see the interview she had today? She can’t talk. She can’t talk. She can’t talk without, maybe, getting the answers. What’s the story with that? Did she get the questions, do you think? So, I hear she got the questions, and I also heard she had something in — the ear, a little something in the ear. “No, Kamala, do this. Say it this way, Kamala. Okay, be quiet. Too many people watching.” She had a terrible interview today with the Philadelphia TV station. A big word salad. She just kept talking, talking, talking. She had no idea what the hell she was saying. She reminded me of Sleepy Joe Biden. But people said that I was angry during debate, and I said, “Why wouldn’t I be angry? Of course I’m angry. We got 21 million people that came into our country, invading our communities, invading our cities and our towns, and destroying our country. I’m angry about Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora, Colorado, and I’m angry about illegal Haitian migrants taking over Springfield, Ohio.” You see that mess, don’t you? And the Colorado governor is petrified. He’s scared. He doesn’t know what to do. “The Venezuelans are attacking my state,” he said. “The Venezuelans have big AK-47 Supremes.” This is Supreme. Where the hell do they get these guns? Our soldiers can’t get these guns. They’re taking over our country from within, I mean, can you believe? Then we got – we got Kamala. I’m angry about young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens that come into our country very easily, but very illegally. I’m angry about rampant inflation destroying our middle class. And the American people are damn angry, too. We’re all angry. Country’s being – wrecked. That’s why, 53 days from now, we’re going to tell Harris that we’ve had enough. Our country can’t take it anymore. Comrade Kamala Harris, you’re fired! You’re fired! Get out! Get out! Get the hell out of here! She shouldn’t be there anyway, she got no votes. She’s a threat to democracy, right? That’s what they say. They always say, “Donald Trump,” you know it’s a sound bite for them? “Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.” Now she’s a threat. Think of it – Joe Biden had 14 million votes; she had none. She was the first one that failed. Out of all the candidates, I think they had 22, she didn’t even make it to Iowa, the first stop. Didn’t even make it. During the nominating process, she didn’t make it to Iowa. During the nominating process, she didn’t make it to Iowa. But we’re running against her. I think based on what I’m seeing in the polls, I think she could be just as easy as him. He was down so much. He was down 21 points, and they went to him and they said, “Get out of here, Sleepy Joe, you’re going to lose.” “I’m not going to get out. I won’t do it.” He held on for about a day. Did you see the hat, though, the other day, right? He walked into a great, beautiful area in Pennsylvania. I was there, because that’s where one of the planes came down, you know that. It was incredible, the reverence that we had for that area. It’s horrible. But the bravery of those people on that plane. But the fire station, which was so brave also, and they did a fantastic job, and the place was stacked with every family member. And Joe went in first and nobody… They didn’t even, you could hear a pin drop. And then one of the firemen said, “Put the hat on! Put it on.” And I thought he was a little bit rough, Kash. I thought he was a little bit rough, actually. You know we’re talking to the president of the United States, right? But this fireman, rough guy, obviously a Trump fan. So, they throw him a Make America great… Look at them, look at all of them. Oh, I love your hat. Stand up. Stand up. Look at that. No, no, stand up, right there. Turn around. Show the cameras. I love that. I love that hat. You’re going to have to give me that hat later. I’m going to have to make it, okay? Would you do that? You’re so cute. Oh, I’m not allowed to say that! That could be the end of my political career. We’re not allowed to say that anymore. That’s a great hat. But they looked at Joe, they said, “Put on the hat.” “No, no, I can’t do that. It wouldn’t look good. It says Trump on it.” No, it doesn’t say that. It says, “Make America great again.” And then the guy goes, “Put it on! Put it on! Now!” “Okay.” And he puts it on, and the rest is history. It was so bad. Right? The rest is history. Sleepy Joe. What’s better, Sleepy Joe or Crooked Joe? Okay, ready? A free poll. You know it’s Friday night, we have a lot of time, right? Do you think, later on, should I do The Snake or not? People love The Snake. It’s so appropriate. Okay, you ready? A quick poll. Ready? I’ll go Sleepy Joe, and then I’ll go Crooked Joe. Ready? Who likes Sleepy Joe? Who likes Crooked Joe? All right, thank you. I just saved $200,000 with these phony pollsters. They don’t even go out and check. They just give you a number. “Sir, that’ll cost $250,000 to interview 200 people.” Oh, thank you, you just did it for nothing. And they don’t interview the 200, but they just put down a number. “Let’s see, Trump is ahead 50 to 46.” No, that was something. And then by the way, two hours later, I walked into the same firehouse. The place went crazy. Right? The most preposterous part of Kamala… And how do you like the name Comrade Kamala Harris? You know why? It indicates that she is a communist comrade, because she is. You know that she’s further left than crazy Bernie Sanders? Can you believe it? He’s crazy, that guy. He’s almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. She’s nuts. The most preposterous part of Kamala’s debate performance was when she tried to gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical left policies that she has championed for her entire career. Do you mind if we roll a tape, please? Let’s roll a tape. Go ahead. ... Everything is a lie, including the fact that she never worked at McDonald’s. She lied about that, too. I told that to one of the fake news people two days ago. I was doing a news conference and the fake news was there. I said, “You people all said she worked beautifully at McDonald’s. It turned out it was a lie. Will you admit it? Will you admit it?” I said. And they said, “Oh yeah, we’ll admit.” They never did. They don’t want to. They’re protecting her. I don’t know why. She wants open borders, she wants – Pennsylvania, zero… You know what’s going to happen? There’ll never be fracking in Pennsylvania. They’re going to take away your guns, you saw that, they’re going to take away your guns. She’s going to take away your guns. Would anybody like to give up their gun? Would anybody like to voluntarily, with great liberal fanfare, say, “I’d like to give up my weapon, so that I can be shot in my house.” But she’s clearly not well.